Welcome to AI Agents

Under the hood, we use the same API as ChatGPT.

But this isn’t your drop-shipping–friend’s ChatGPT.

We’ve created a reliable, cost-effective system to run “AI agents.” Konos will use a series of tools to until your action is completed.

First, log in with the respective apps to connect your account, and then you can start running workflows simply by chatting with the agent!

AI Agent's path

The end result is almost something like a virtual assistant, who can just run tedious tasks for you in the background!

The potential is limitless--you can ask it to chain nearly anything you can imagine from your work apps together.

Want Early Access?
What sucks about your day that we could automate? (optional)
If we gave you early access, would you be OK with bugs and missing features? (optional)

We really appreciate your interest.

We'll be in touch soon!